Robert van Heumen Composer Improvisor Laptop-Instrumentalist Sound-Designer
Software Developer
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December 9, 2016 - December 2016 Archives


Currently I am working on the audiovisual installation/composition Point-to-Line, inspired by the installation Macroworld: One Hours3 and Canned by Angela Bulloch (now on show at Museum De Pont). On January 19 I will pitch my virtual tent at Museum De Pont for a day, presenting Point-to-Line as a work-in-progress. I am very excited for this opportunity!

December 7, 2016 - December 2016 Archives


Shackle had a great time with Männer mit Motoren, working on the Curves project. After an intense week of programming, playing, swearing and nice dinners, we performed the work in Stadgarten (Cologne) on October 31 and in Splendor (Amsterdam) on November 16. Two very different concerts, both a great joy! We are currently documenting the project, for future versions, on the Curves page. More to come so stay tuned!

These are some photos from the concert in Splendor, Amsterdam on November 16, 2016:

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