Robert van Heumen Composer Improvisor Laptop-Instrumentalist Sound-Designer
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October 7, 2016 - October 2016 Archives

Things to do

It's been a while. Busy moving to Hilversum for more space, aural as well as spacial and nasal ;)

Things I am working on at the moment:

Preparing the performance of Parish of Tama, a piece for 6-tet and cement mixer. This will happen at De Ruimte in Amsterdam on November 2.

Preparing for Curves, a project from Shackle in collaboration with Männer mit Motoren. In october we will work for a week in Cologne and then play a concert at Stadgarten. Later in November we will perform in Splendor Amsterdam. Watch the events section for dates.

. . . .... _____ Point-to-Line _____ .... . . . is an audiovisual installation/composition, for which I received a stipend from the Performing Arts Fund NL. Inspired by the installation Macroworld by Angela Bulloch, on show at Museum De Pont in Tilburg NL, I am working on this thing and I'm not really sure if it turns out to be an installation or a performance. De Pont expressed interest and offered me to present a work-in-progress in their space. STEIM (my old home-away-from-home) is moving towards sound art, and is also interested in collaborating.

A couple of months ago I worked with Margret Wibmer on a soundscape for her installation/performance 'encounters with nature'. The documentation is now online.

That's it for now folks. Tune in later for more.

O yeah, and listening to Bowie's Alladin Sane album. The man keeps surprising me.

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