Robert van Heumen Composer Improvisor Laptop-Instrumentalist Sound-Designer
Software Developer
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January 15, 2014 - January 2014 Archives

Meursault: Expired, 80 Miles, Coma

Last week I've been working on some songs I created last year.

Expired is a song created for my collaboration with Piet van Tienen. 'Electro Rock'? My first attempt at writing lyrics and composing for a traditional vocal/guitar/bass/drums combination. We haven't gotten together yet to arrange the song and record it, but I did make my own version.

80 Miles is a song created for the band Spoon3. Rather straightforward with a catchy chorus. Not enough rehearsal time before Spoon3's concert in November last year unfortunately, and there are no gigs scheduled, so I'm working on my own version. Experimenting now arranging it for vocal/guitar/bass/drums. I really enjoy trying to make midi versions of those instruments sound good, adding lo-fi and other effects.

Coma was my first piece for Spoon3, and that wasn't working very well. Too rigid, too composed for this group. I still like it, so I might also work on a midi version.

I will create these songs under the moniker of Meursault, the protagonist of Camus' L'Ètranger. I feel very connected to that character.

Tubes in Chains / wrap

The performance on Nov 3 in Orgelpark went really well. I've finally finished mixing the recording, documenting the piece and creating a webpage for it. Hopefully we can play it more often; the challenge would be adapting it for other organs. But I gladly accept that challenge!

January 2, 2014 - January 2014 Archives

A Shackle Affair with Luc van Weelden


Watch the video on Vimeo here.

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