Robert van Heumen Composer Improvisor Laptop-Instrumentalist Sound-Designer
Software Developer
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December 15, 2013 - December 2013 Archives

The Objects and the Affair

Shackle’s Converging Objects workshop at STEIM with Vilbjørg Broch, Inge van den Kroonenberg, Steve Jones, Stefano Kalonaris , Mark Summers, Giorgio Distante, Nicoleta Chatzopoulou, Xander Sijperda, Musfik Can Muftuoglu, Chi-Hsia Lai, Josh Hu and Jan Klug and the Shackle Affair with Luc van Weelden turned out to be an intense couple of days for us all.

We spent hours focussed first on getting to know one another musically and then developing a couple of pieces to perform together. Strategies, histories, passions, techniques, likes and dislikes all made their way into the working process.

We would like to congratulate this team of artists for their successful performance at the end of the second day and special thanks to Luc van Weelden for giving the Shackle Affair some exciting and fresh new sounds to play with.





December 13, 2013 - December 2013 Archives

Steenklank is getting very good responses!

On the frontpage of the local newspaper. We're getting very good responses to our soundwalk. If you haven't walked Steenklank yet, make sure you do. Especially nice in sunny winter weather!

December 9, 2013 - December 2013 Archives

First Law of Kipple / wrap

Documented. Web page with excerpts created. Done.

December 6, 2013 - December 2013 Archives

MDFreeze / final wrap

MDFreeze was played at Cafe Oto in London in September. Some issues came up, I fixed them, and that's it. More info about the piece here. Another MDFreeze rendition can be heard on Soundcloud.

For people who'd like to program or just listen to MDFreeze: the piece is available as a standalone application for a flexible number of channels and can be played with any Mac computer with OS X 10.6 or higher and a multichannel audio interface (depending on the number of channels required). Email me for a download link.

And just because I'm proud of it, a screenshot of the app below ;)

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