Robert van Heumen Composer Improvisor Laptop-Instrumentalist Sound-Designer
Software Developer
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SoundlingFactory ZAAG55

SoundlingFactory ZAAG55

is a machine to research, process and archive the sound of the various machines in the former Bolnes Motor Factory Zaag 55, Krimpen aan de Lek, The Netherlands. The machine generates 5 different types of SoundObjects, produced from a series of basic sounds.
(Nederlands versie)

The input of the machine exists of basic sounds (named Disembodied Machine Sounds), which flow via the pass-through port to the sink cabinet. Then, after selecting the type of SoundObject to generate, these sounds are processed in various ways. They are subsequently mixed, diffused and as a new SoundObject dispersed through the outlet valve. Download the full schematic (in Dutch).

Date of first production:: 2014 / September 14 & 20
Recording: 12:00:00 / 14:00:00 / 16:00:00 hms
Continuous production between 11:00:00-17:00:00 hms

Design and manufacturing: Robert van Heumen
Machine operator: Leo Jongenotter
Patentee ‘GeluidjesFabriek’: Oane Abma
In the context of Stuw-Art
Developed with financial support from the Performing Arts Fund NL
© 2014

Examples of Produced SoundObjects

More SoundObjects at Soundcloud.

Production videos

Video by Nora van Krimpen

SoundlingFactory software

Zaag55 photos

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