Robert van Heumen Composer Improvisor Laptop-Instrumentalist Sound-Designer
Software Developer
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ICMC Huddersfield

Just back from the International Computer Music Conference in Huddersfield UK, where I performed with Whistle Pig Saloon, a collaboration with guitarist John Ferguson. The evening in the student's union was programmed really well, with 5 quite noisy sets. Especially Mike Frengel (on electric guitar) presented a great piece, mixing weird electronics, bird sounds and heavy metal guitar riffs. Also interesting was the duo of Donna Hewitt and Julian Knowles who delivered a subdued and beautiful mix of guitar, voice and electronics. In some way very Australian (in my mind, never have set foot on the continent, so forgive me if I'm too blunt).

So now on with the work on Het Geluid van de Machine, to be premiered at Gaudeamus' Muziekweek on September 8. A bit of promo:

The sound of machines is fascinating. They scream, growl, grind, buzz, hum, sing, roar, whistle, thunder. The Disklavier is a machine to make music with. But it's not only the strings that make sound. This composition exposes the Disklavier's mechanism and produces freshly squeezed music.

Last weekend I worked on the flute part with Anne LaBerge, who will perform the piece with me (or maybe I should say with us: the Disklavier and me), and it'll be exciting! A nice blend of electronics, flute and piano. But what a beast, that Disklavier...